Dániel Péter Biró teaches composition at the bachelor, masters and PhD (Artistic Research) levels at the Grieg Academy – Department of Music, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design – University of Bergen.
MUG144 / Main Discipline Composition 1
MUG145 / Main Discipline Composition 2
MUV294 / Main Discipline Composition 3
MUV295 / Main Discipline Composition 4
MUV301 / Project Work I, Introduction to Working Methods
MUV315 / Special Topic I for Composers
MUV316 / Special Course II for Composers
MUV352 / Master’s Exam in Performance or Composition
Grieg Academy Composition Seminar Spring 2019: Interactive Creation and Performance of New Music
Grieg Academy Composition Seminar Autumn 2019: Music and Text – Music as Text